Ep. 32: #DangerousMom’s Perspective on Childbirth, Motherhood, and Advocacy
EQ: Why is being a stay-at-home-parent a fulltime, bad-ass job that we need in 2018?
Guest: Tobi Tommaney, Tacoma-raised, birth doula, wife, and mother.
In this episode we discuss:
Why Tacoma is the best place to raise a family
How you can be a block mom, a #dangerousmom, and a general bad-ass
How women’s bodies are strong and powerful---we just have to listen to ourselves.
The difference between pain and suffering
Midwifery, being a doulah, and why you should use the lotus method for your placenta
Recommended reading:
Ina May Gaskin--midwife
Robin Lim Placenta the Forgotten Shakra
An insider’s perspective on the Tacoma Teacher Strike
Most importantly, why you are enough and just showing up to speak your truth is ENOUGH! We need to make sure our legislators and school board know they are there to serve the community!
Do Your Fudging Homework:
Show up at a school board meeting, email your legislator and speak up!