Ep. 16: Pagan Zines Save the World

Our EQ: How do white people appropriate religious traditions? How does religion shape social justice and why keeping an eye on American pagans matters?

We’re super excited about long time listener and friend Mandy Paradise joining us to explain Paganism in the NW, including how it fits into our current work of understanding and confronting white nationalism and supremacy. Find Mandy on Instagram or through her website The Anchor and the Star and check out her zines, including “Witches, Pagans, and Cultural Appropriation.” Other episode highlights:

Timeless or Terrible:

  • Dyeing your hair a warmer color
  • Face Swap



Do Your Fudging Homework:

  • Mandy: Read "On Tyranny" by Timothy Snyder
  • Annie: Watch “Kill the K Cup” on YouTube and be nicer to the planet.
  • Hope: Go check out Mandy’s Instagram or website The Anchor and the Star.