Ep. 171: Is the Enneagram a Tool for Good or for Evil?!

EQ: How can understanding the cultural complexities of the Enneagram serve as a valuable lens to navigate race, class, and gender; offering insights into individual perspectives and fostering deeper understanding of societal challenges and opportunities?

In this episode we are joined by law-student and enneagram expert, Dayo Ajanuka, aka The Black Enneagram “Where the Enneagram Meets Black Culture”. She walks us through the various Enneagram types, why this is such a great tool for communication and behavior analysis, and how it might be weaponized in the workplace.

Additional Shouts:

Do Your Fudging Homework:

  • Hope: Go take an enneagram test! Follow Dayo @the blackennegram

  • Megan: Don’t be in a silo

  • Dayo: read about it don’t just do an online test

Ep. 171: Is the Enneagram a Tool for Good or Evil?
Hope, Megan, and Dayo

Ep. 170: Ep. 170: Fostering Sisterhood Cross Culturally w/ Kimberlee Yolanda Williams

EQ: How can white women and women of color actively work towards a sisterhood that furthers a more inclusive and equitable society?

In this episode of IWL, Kimberlee Yolanda Williams, co-founder Engaging Across Differences, unpacks her recent book "Dear White Women, Please Come Home:  hand me your bias and I’ll show you are connection”. The book explores the concept of being seen and centered, the idealization of sisterhood, microaggressions, and the search for genuine connections. Looking ahead, Kimberlee shares her hopes for changes in conversations around race, sisterhood, and equity. She envisions positive change and recommends resources for deeper exploration of the topics. The discussion wraps up with a mention of Kimberlee's new book project and information about Engaging Across Differences' offerings.

Related Sources:

Do Your Fudging Homework:

  • Hope: In the new year, recommit to learning and unlearning…to being part of the greater sisterhood.

  • Kimberlee: Look out for those moments happening around you and develop a toolkit for what to say–to interrupt the moment that is happening in front of you. Become part of my second book project! Send a message to women of color

Ep. 170: Fostering Sisterhood Cross Culturally
Hope and Kimberlee Yolanda Williams

Ep. 142: Developing Intercultural Intelligence Part II

We’re back for a Part II of understanding cultural competency–as a reminder our EQ is…

EQ: How might centering cultural competency in our schools/workplace change & improve the health of our communities?

Guest: Shelley Reinhart, Knowledge Workx,  a company specializing in certifying practitioners in inter-cultural  intelligence. 

After our conversation we decided we needed a Part II–to clarify strengths and limitations of each worldview, unpack the implications of the 3 worldviews Shelly laid out and dig more into the intersection of these world views with such systemic things as race, class, and gender.

Do Your Fudging Homework:

Ep. 142: Developing Intercultural Intelligence Part II
Hope, Megan, and Shelley

Ep. 141: Developing Intercultural Intelligence Part I

Joining us today is Shelley Reinhart, an intercultural intelligence practitioner with Knowledge Workx, a company that certifies practitioners in intercultural  intelligence. 

In this episode we discuss why it’s important to change how we think about culture–that we can have active roles in shaping culture. Megan and Hope learn foundational elements about the three major worldviews present in society: innocence vs. guilt, honor vs. shame, and power vs. fear. We explore implications for how these worldviews can influence relationships and community building our classrooms and workplaces. Reach out to Shelley on Twitter or LinkedIn

Do Your Fudging Homework:

Ep. 141: Developing Intercultural Intelligence Part I
Hope, Megan, and Shelley