Ep. 144: The Year of Charcuterie
Essential Question: To what extent is 2023 the year of charcuterie?
In this episode Hope sticks to her beliefs that charcuterie boards are white supremacy, but she concedes that if you take out the whiteness from the experience, then maybe they are okay after all. Listen and laugh at this silly new year episode.
A Few Related Links:
3 Reasons Why It’s Time to Stop–overwhelming, impractical, germ pits
Cultures that have things on boards/equivalents
Filipino Boodle Fight (kayam kamayan; family style/military routine)
Northern Mexican Discada (grilled meats on agricultural plow)
Ethiopian Food (injera plate)
South Indian Food served on banana leaves (aka a board)
Do Your Fudging Homework:
When life hands you lemons, slice them up and add them to your charcuterie board!